The Little Great Chinese Speaker Contest
Primary Category
Non-Chinese Speaking Students (8 – 12 years of age)
(Chinese is not the first language of the family)
Date: | 16 September 2018(Sunday) |
Session One: | 11:00-12:00 |
Language: | Cantonese |
Awards: | The winner, first runner-up and second runner-up of the Junior and Senior Categories will each be awarded a prize. There are also several prizes for outstanding participants. |
Attendance Certificate: | All participants will receive an attendance certificate. |
Judging Criteria:
Pronunciation: | 40% |
Presentation skills : | 40% |
Stage Presence : | 20% |
Time limit: | 3 minutes |
Speech Materials
有一天,螞蟻和蜻蜓來探望蝸牛,看見他的居住環境這麼差,就勸他說:「你應該搬到別處居住啊!」 蜻蜓和螞蟻答應明天來幫蝸牛搬家。 |
Cantonese Pinyin |
《waa1 ngau4 bun1 gaa1》
jau5 jat1 tin1,maa1 ngai5 wo4 cing1 ting4 loi4 taam3 mong6 waa1 ngau4,hon3 gin3 taa1 dik1 geoi1 zyu6 waan4 ging2 ze5 mo1 caa1,zau6 hyun3 taa1 syut3:「nei5 jing3 goi1 bun1 dou3 bit6 cyu3 geoi1 zyu6 aa1!」 cing1 ting4 wo4 maa1 ngai5 daap3 jing3 ming4 tin1 loi4 bong1 waa1 ngau4 bun1 gaa1。 |