The Little Great Chinese Speaker Contest – Primary Category

The Little Great Chinese Speaker Contest

Primary Category

Non-Chinese Speaking Students (8 – 12 years of age)

(Chinese is not the first language of the family)



Date: 16 September 2018(Sunday)
Session One: 11:00-12:00
Language: Cantonese
Awards: The winner, first runner-up and second runner-up of the Junior and Senior Categories will each be awarded a prize. There are also several prizes for outstanding participants.
Attendance Certificate:  All participants will receive an attendance certificate.


Judging Criteria

Pronunciation: 40%
Presentation skills : 40%
Stage Presence : 20%
Time limit: 3 minutes


Speech Materials




Cantonese Pinyin

《waa1 ngau4 bun1 gaa1》

jau5 jat1 tin1,maa1 ngai5 wo4 cing1 ting4 loi4 taam3 mong6 waa1 ngau4,hon3 gin3 taa1 dik1 geoi1 zyu6 waan4 ging2 ze5 mo1 caa1,zau6 hyun3 taa1 syut3:「nei5 jing3 goi1 bun1 dou3 bit6 cyu3 geoi1 zyu6 aa1!」

cing1 ting4 wo4 maa1 ngai5 daap3 jing3 ming4 tin1 loi4 bong1 waa1 ngau4 bun1 gaa1。