古人利用水的浮力製作木舟渡河,及後隨著科技及機械工程的發展, 人們發明了以燃料推動的蒸氣船。現今,船的種類及用途愈來愈多, 它們都配備了先進的引擎推動。 本工作坊讓參加者嘗試利用一些簡單的材料,學習物料浮沉的特性, 應用科學原理製作一架水陸兩棲船,可於陸地及水域之間自由馳騁。
Ancient humans made wooden rafts to cross the river by means of wood’s ability to float on water. With the advancement of technology and mechanical engineering, steam engines that ran on fuels were invented. Nowadays, there are different types of vessels with more diverse uses; all of them run on advanced engines. This workshop enables the participants to learn the floating characteristic of materials and make a boat that can operate both at sea and on land with the basic materials provided.
Kindergarten and junior primary students are required to join with at least one parent.