第十屆「家長也科研 ─ 水陸兩棲船」 親子STEM比賽







幼稚園組: 18-19年度K1-K3學生
小學組: 18-19年度P1-P6學生
每隊人數: 最少兩人 (必須是兒童及成人的組合)
費用: 全費
實驗材料包:  於活動簡介會 (15/7/2018) 當天派發



獎項 評核範圍
美學大獎 船的設計具創新意念及美觀,並能善用環保材料。
科研大獎 科學探究精密詳細,嘗試應用不同方法解決難題。
極速大獎 以最短時間完成賽道。
耐力大獎 於限時內利用電容儲電,然後量度船隻行走最遠的距離。



《簡介會》 《比賽》
日期:15 / 7 / 2018 (星期日)

時間:10:30 – 11:30

地點:小學一樓 P110室


  • (I)        介紹親子也科研比賽安排。
  • (II)       DIY兩棲船工作坊。
  • (III)      派發實驗套。
日期:15 / 9 / 2018 (星期六)

時間:14:00 – 16:00

地點:小學一樓平台及 P110室


  •           (I)   親子滙報
  •         (II)  作品展覽
  •         (III)  極速比賽
  •         (IV)  耐力比賽


10th Parent-Child STEM Competition

“Science @ Home ─ Amphibious Vehicle”

Our school has been fostering STEM education for a number of years. This aims to cater for the Primary and Secondary curriculum and students’ learning needs and interests by providing diversified learning experiences through biotechnology education. This year our school has been invited by the Education Bureau to be a Professional Development School. We will provide input in the development of the school-based STEM programme and in fostering science and biotechnology education for schools in Hong Kong. The Science@Home Parent-Child STEM Competition held at Ho Yu in the past few years aims to enable kindergarten and primary students and their parents to enhance their creativity and spirit of exploration and innovation. Parents and students jointly design and conduct experiments and share the joy of science. The Competition has been well received with positive feedback. During the coming summer holiday, we will hold the 10th Parent-Child STEM Competition “Science @ Home ─ Amphibious Vehicle”.



Details of Activity

The activity is divided into primary and secondary subgroups. The following four prizes will be awarded to winners of each subgroup:


Kindergarten Group:2018-2019 K1-K3 Students

Primary Group:2018-2019 P1-P6 Students

Group members:At least Two persons (a Child accompanied with a Adult)

Fee:Free of charge

Experimental Package:Distribute at Briefing session (15/7/2018)


Prize Judging criteria
Prize of aesthetics The design of the vehicle is creative and beautiful, and is made up of renewable materials.
Prize of scientific study A detailed scientific investigation is studied. Many different ways are applied in solving problems.
Prize of speed The vehicle which needs the least amount of time to move through the track will win.
Prize of Endurance The vehicle which travels the longest distance with a charged capacitance.



Briefing Session Competition
Date:15 / 7 / 2018 (Sunday)

Time:10:30 – 11:30

Venue:Primary building 1st floor P110


(I)         Briefing for the

Science@Home Competition

(II)        DIY Amphibious Vehicle

(III)       Pick up the Experiment


Date:15 / 9 / 2018 (Saturday)

Time:14:00 – 16:00

Venue:Primary building 1st floor P110

Activity:          (I)  Presentation of your investigation

(II)  Display of your Amphibious


(III)  Compete for Prize of speed

(IV)  Compete for Prize of Endurance



Amphibious Vehicle Briefing Session

Science@Home_Report_Chi Version 

Science@Home_Report_Eng Version