Get to know Ho Yu 未分類 可譽盃幼稚園足球邀請賽 (3人圍板賽) Ho Yu Cup – Kindergartens Football Competition

可譽盃幼稚園足球邀請賽 (3人圍板賽) Ho Yu Cup – Kindergartens Football Competition

日期: 2019年9月8日 (星期日)

Date: 8 September, 2019 (Sunday)

時間: 上午10:00-12:00(初賽), 下午2:00-3:30(決賽及頒獎)

Time: 10:00am-12:00nn (Heat), 2:00pm-3:00pm (Final and Prize Presentation)

地點: 嗇色園主辦可譽中學暨可譽小學(中學二樓室內體育館)

Venue: Gymnasium, 2/F, Secondary School Building, Ho Yu College and Primary School

對象: 現就讀幼兒園(N)、幼稚園(K1-K3)學生

Target participants: Students currently studying Nursery classes, K1, K2 or K3

比賽形式: 分組單循環制(初賽),小組首名晉級淘汰制(決賽)。

Format: Single round robin system (Heat), Knock-out system (Final)

(1) 3對3比賽,每隊場區內有3人作賽,不設守門員。

It is a Joga 3 football match. There are three players in each team and there is no goalkeeper.

(2) 每場比賽時限10分鐘,不設中場休息。

Each game lasts 10 minutes with no break

(3) 隊伍組合不限,可為男子、女子或男女子混合隊伍,每隊報名最少3人,最多只可報5人。

Each team can be a boys’ group, a girls’ group or a mixed group composing of 3 to 5 players.

(4) 賽例參照五人足球賽例。

Rules of Futsal League are applied.

(5) 所有參賽者必須遵守大會所訂的各項規則及編排。

All players must follow the rules, regulations and instructions given by the school.

(6) 賽會保留本賽事最終之決定權。

The decisions made by the school will be final.

名額: 16隊

Number of teams: 16

獎項: 設冠、亞、季、殿及優異獎4名。

Prizes: Champion, First Runner-up, Second Runner-up and Merit Award


(1) 郵寄或親自送交報名表至本校(東涌健東路4-6號嗇色園主辦可譽中學暨可譽小學)

Mail or submit the enrollment form to the school (Address: 4-6 King Tung Road, Tung Chung)

(2) 傳真報名表至本校 21092002

Fax the form to the school at 21092002

(3) 電郵報名表至 (盧振信老師)

Email the form to Mr. Lo at

查詢: 可於辦公時間內致電本校21091001(盧振信老師) 或電郵

Enquiries: Contact Mr. Lo Chun Shun at 21091001 during office hours or email him at

截止日期: 2019年8月23日(星期五)

Deadline: 23 August 2019 (Friday)


The contact person of each team will be notified of detailed arrangements individually.